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We can add a receipt or chit printer to Loyverse if it is NOT in the list of printers?

Go to solution Solved by Andy,

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HI all,

Just a quick question as to if we can add a receipt or chit printer to Loyverse if it is NOT in the list of printers?

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,


  • Solution

A4 printers will not work with Loyverse POS. Loyverse is designed to work only with receipt printers. 
It is possible to connect other models of printers: on Androids - Ethernet, Bluetooth, USB, and iOS - only Ethernet.
However, there is no guarantee that they will work. To be 100% sure - use the printers from the Supported printers list

Check also the discussion: https://loyverse.town/topic/160-where-i-can-find-a-list-of-all-printers-which-support-loyverse-pos-what-printer-do-you-use/

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