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How to import customer with CSV UTF-8 format?

Go to solution Solved by Georg,

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Hi there! I'm a new user of Loyverse POS. Trying to figure out the functionality... I have a question. How to add new customers to CSV file. I strictly follow the help instruction it doesn't work, when I make IMPORT to the Back Office. Any advice?


During import at the back office, there is a report of brakes and warning signs. You have to read them and change mistakes in your CVS file carefully.

This is an example of error messages:

errors during import of customers

It is said where and what is wrong.


There is another option even more simple - to use Google disk to work with the CSV documents. It is easily downloads, edited and loaded back.
  • 1 month later...

I exported my customer base to modify their point balances, then imported into loyverse. However, there is no data in the column "Purchase amount" of my clients. My CVS file is correct, even I imported the backup file but "Purchase amount" is always 0 or a random number.

  • 2 months later...

When you are importing is better to not upload a big number of customers. Also is recommended to use a template for the customer database (the first 6 columns can be edited) Customer ID, Customer name, Email, Number, Points balance, Note. Only these 6 columns can be edited.

  • 2 years later...

I need to import customer in UTF 8 format because customer's names are in Thai so I need to save as CSV UTF-8 then upload the file in loyverse but It say



File error

File contains incorrect data in the titles of columns. Make sure you use the same format as the template file



If I save it without UTF-8 all customer's names will be like ??? CSV.thumb.png.ee88c278a6e0dd8ab834f155711c7446.png

  • Solution

Hello, dear Ava

I suggest you to use Google Sheets or Libre Office to open exported CSV file. It will open your exported file correctly and you will import it back without any problems.

Please, follow one of these tutorials:

How to Open CSV File in Google Sheets

How to Export Data from Reports and Open in LibreOffice

On 4/1/2021 at 6:17 PM, Georg said:

Hello, dear Ava

I suggest you to use Google Sheets or Libre Office to open exported CSV file. It will open your exported file correctly and you will import it back without any problems.

Please, follow one of these tutorials:

How to Open CSV File in Google Sheets

How to Export Data from Reports and Open in LibreOffice

hi Georg, thank you I will try 😄

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