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Bluetooth Printer Possibilities in non-wifi zone

Go to solution Solved by Andy,

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Pardon my ignorance, but I have big problems with devices at my business because i am in a valley (orchard).  I cannot get wifi but a new cellular tower has been put up so I now get cellular data connection on my iphone.  I want to use Loyverse and print out to a food truck kitchen about 20 feet away from my desk.  Is this possible and what requirements would my Ipad and printer require.  Or if there is better solution I am open to it. 

  • Solution

Hello. If you have only one POS in your business value, sure, you can use mobile Internet to connect data to the Back office. 
I would recommend you using a Bluetooth printer. It can work at such a distance if there are any obstacles for radio waves (such as walls) between devices. For iOS devices, it should be the only printer from the Supported printers list.

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