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Unable connect to receipt printer with wifi connection.

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Hi Loyverse,

I have issue on connecting receipt printer xprinter xp-58II with wifi connection. The printer already configured to connect to local wifi network and both my tablet (Loyverse POS) and printer is connected to same wifi network (same subnet). But when I try to add printer IP address at Loyverse with Ethernet, it give me error "Please make sure that the printer is connected and try again". When I ping the printer from my tablet, the printer actually connected on the network.

I am using xprinter xp-58II wifi version and android tablet. Anyone have solution to resolved this issue?



2 hours ago, CWL said:


Thank you for your guides. 

I have read through the articles many times and check step by step with the guides. But, still no luck. I even assign static IP address to the printer and Loyverse still giving the same error. Any idea? 

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