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Loyverse on tv box/stick and 21in touchscreen monitor?

Go to solution Solved by Andy,

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Hi All,

My users are not happy with 10inch tablet ipad. Has anyone try to install Loyverse on a tv stick like Amazon Fire or any Android tv box and connect to a 24 in touchscreen monitor (for PC) ? Comparing to using a Touchscreen Chromebook, that investment is just a little bit higher but still reasonable if it works.

Thank you!


  • Solution

Hello. You can download the Loyverse KDS app here and run it on the Android TV. 



A true Android TV does not support touch. The chinese android boxes which run regular android do work, but the resolution of the KDS doesn't scale and everything looks BIG even on the smallest text setting. This could be a great solution if Loyverse adds additional settings within the app to fix this.


Hi All,

Thanks for your reply!

What I want to try is installing POS app on the android stick or android box and connect it to a big touch screen from 17 to 21 inch. My users want to operate on a big screen rather small ipad to input the sale.

If anyone has try android stick/box with the external touchscreen monitor, please let me know. Thanks!

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