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Group items on printout

Go to solution Solved by Mia,

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is there a way to group item on the printout for the kitchen so that is shows?

5 x item 1
2 x item 2

and not

2 x item 1
2 x item 2
3 x item 1



  • Solution


If you have such situation when you add Item 1 to the open ticket, then Item 2, then again Item 1 they will appear in separate lines as shown in the picture below:


If you want to show “Item 1” (same for all other items ) only once with the total quantity ordered, you have to:

a-     If the ticket has been already saved as an open ticket: delete the “Item 1” with quantity 1 that you added first and add it again with the needed quantity instead of tapping again the “Item 1” on the sales screen.

You can delete the item from the ticket by sliding it to the left.


b-     If you have not saved the ticket yet: tap on ‘Item 1” and modify the quantity instead of tapping again on “Item 1” in the sales screen.


I hope this help 🙂



yes i know that way, but is there no way to do that automatically as other apps can do.


  • Like 1

Unfortunately, no. 

But, you can put your request in the Feature request section. Maybe the development team can add this feature in the future. 

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