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Changing the display of Loyverse POS for Phoenix OS

Go to solution Solved by Georg,

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Hi Everyone 

I just started testing out Loyverse and i love the features of this simple POS System 
I was trying to set up a Phoenix OS to Install Loyvere POS on a Desktop 

I managed to get the POS working, however, the display looks as if it is on a Handheld Android 


I wanted the POS to look somewhat similar to  as the notebook had more than enough screen for it. 


Do you know if there is anyway i can change the settings to work?  It would be perfect if we can get this successfully done


try using Remix OS or Bluesnap

  • Solution


There is an option to choose the layout of the home sales screen for tablet devices - either in a grid or linear form.

The feature allows you to find the desired product or discount more conveniently and add them to the receipt.

You can find the option by going to the General section of the application settings.


The grid layout is set by default but if you prefer the List layout, click the option to make the change.


In this case, all the items will be listed in one column. This mode is useful when you have long names for your items or you want to see the price of the items.


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