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Set up commission on credit card

Go to solution Solved by Mag,

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I have just registered with SumUp and I wondered if I can setup Loyverse so when the card reader is used the amount taken can have the commission removed from the final shift takings as I assume that their commission is removed before its banked. The idea is that staff won't need to work out the commission when card used to balance the "shifts" final takings therefore balancing books made easier, hopefully!

  • Solution

Hi! Unfortunately we do not have such option. 

  • 2 months later...

I wouldn't have thought the staff should need to work out the commission as the amount taken is what it is.  You will get a daily/weekly/monthly report from Sumup so you just need to enter the commission as expense in your accounting programme, we have payments weekly from sumup and it works fine, the report is very detailed with each card payment received.

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