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Its possible to connect 2 printers by USB to one android tablet and print from an iPad?

Go to solution Solved by Andy,

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I have 2 printers Epson TM-T20ii (USB) and I will use and ipad as POS and a tablet andriod as Kitchen screen  in my cafe. 

As I read here it is not possible to set up a USB printer to iOS, my question is if its possible to connect by USB two printers to my android tablet and print receives from the iPad?  

  • Solution

It is possible to connect the USB printers to iOS devices, but only from the supported printers list https://help.loyverse.com/help/supported-printers

Unfortunately your printer Epson TM-T20ii (USB) is not in the supported printers list for iOS devices and will not work with them. 
You may try to connect this printer to Android devices, but you cannot print on Android from the iOS POS. 



And what if y tried to connect the printer by a P-Link TL-PS310U, so I can set up like if it was Ethernet


Unfortunately you cannot connect this printer to the WiFi router via USB. It will not be recognized as Ethernet printer. 

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