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My employee has given some money for charity from her shift. How to make it noted in this app?

Go to solution Solved by AMOR,

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Please help. my employee has given some money for charity from her shift. How to make it noted in this app?


Can you explain it more detailed. Charity is great, but in the end of shift you need to be sure that the cash and card payments made during the day were correct. It is difficult for me to understand, but in my business the emploee can not detcide if and how much to give for charity.

You can pay pay money out from the POS and have an text comment for the payment made. But you can not see it in statistics as a separate value.

If you want to give free products, then i have solved it with a separate payment type "xFree Product" (start it with x to have it in the end of list).

Another way is to have a discount with 100% discount.

If i did not write an answer to your question, please give more details!

  • Solution

That is nice. Good on her.

You can't put the minus price, but if you use shift management feature

First activate the shift management.

Go to Loyverse POS menu - Shift - Cash management 
Then you can note comments and Pay In/Out.

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