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Working from a cafe



Many people do their jobs from a cafe. Cafe as a working place is popular among freelancers as well as for office workers. 

Freelancers often find it difficult to work at home and lose concentration

Working at home, we often get distracted and lose motivation. Often we associate home as a place to relax. If you have to do your tasks at home, such as reading articles and researching materials for future work, we need to spend much more time than the job itself requires. Sometimes we can go too deep into the topic or expand its context by surfing around the web.

Even if you understand that the work is worth it, it is not easy to distract from such activity: on the one hand, it seems to be part of the work, on the other - if there are no tight deadlines and no one pushes you to. Laziness also can be added, not to mention household circumstances, if, for example, there is someone to distract from the work of a freelancer. 

If a person has a "fee schedule," one way or another, he or she is faced with motivational problems. Therefore, many freelancers feel more comfortable and more relaxed to work in a cafe than at home.

Office workers also like to spend their working hours in a cafe.

They think they need to change their usual surroundings. Changing the environment promotes creative processes. Even if you work in the most amazing and unusual offices, there is a chance that you fall into a routine, and routine is the first enemy of creativity. Changing the surroundings even for one day gives new sensations, which, in turn, stimulate creativity and provide inspiration.

It seems illogical, but the number of distractions found in a noisy cafe is lower than in an office. In the office, work is continuously interrupted by work-related questions and talking in the office kitchen over a tea or coffee. Any interruptions can reduce productivity. The atmosphere of the cafe combines all the advantages of "anonymity" and joint productive activity. Unlike working at home, where you work alone and continuously struggle with laziness, the cafe provides the opportunity for comfortable interaction between people (team) on your terms.

In the cafe, you can also socialize with other communities and meet new people. Meeting new people always gives opportunities for new ideas, new perspectives on existing problems, and can inspire you.

Suggestions to work in a cafe

To make the experience of working from a cafe as useful and enjoyable as possible, you should keep in mind the following things:

Change the location of the coffee shop. Instead of going to the same place every time, go to different ones. After all, the main goal is to bring a change to your work routine for better productivity.

Buy something. Do not be a miser by buying one coffee throughout your stay. Buy something else and even leave some tips. The waiters and cafe workers are wonderful people, and they will be more welcoming towards you if you are a good customer. One day they may bring you a free refill or a piece of cake.

A place. Do not sit near the door or a seat near the bar, a cash desk, unless, of course, you cannot avoid it. Areas inside coffee shops with a high concentration of people will not help you focus on work.

Charging. Come work with fully charged devices. It is better not to bring charging cables if your laptop battery lasts for 5 hours or more. This trick will also help you to stay focused while working: you know that in 5 hours or so your battery will run out and therefore would need to take a break from your work.

Please share your experience in the comments: what are your favorite places to work conveniently.

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Now, looks in some countries - the trend is working from homes. But in South Korea, people are still actively visiting cafes, even though wearing masks.

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Humanity has a long history of doing business in the places that food is served.  In ancient times there were marketplaces where humans came together to conduct transactions. It was trading vegetables, animals, grain, etc. People often have been eating in those markets while doing business.



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