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variant stock tracking


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if i have 2 flavors in my chicken fingers, how can I track the stocks using the chicken fingers and not the flavor? 


ex. I have 30 orders available. it could spicy or not spicy. do I really need to input 15 spicy, 15 not spicy?


all I need to track is the chicken fingers, not the flavors. 



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You can create the item chicken fingers and add its stock without using variants. Then flavors can be added as modifiers, this way, your cashier can choose the flavor at the time of making the sale and you can track the stock of chicken fingers without dividing stocks. 


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2 hours ago, Angelika said:


You can create the item chicken fingers and add its stock without using variants. Then flavors can be added as modifiers, this way, your cashier can choose the flavor at the time of making the sale and you can track the stock of chicken fingers without dividing stocks. 


thank you so much!

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