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Printed receipts doesn't show receipt number

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Hello team! 

Where can I find the receipt date and number on the printed receipts? We are having difficulty identifying customer receipts because there are no receipt numbers displayed. However, when we check the receipt list in the POS app, the receipt number is shown at the bottom. How can we add the receipt number printed on the physical receipts for easier identification and tracking?


Hi there, Abi!

In the printer settings, there is an option to add extra space at the bottom of the receipt. This makes sure that the receipt number and date are printed at the bottom. In my business, we do it this way so they are easy to see.

To add the space, go to your POS app and navigate to Settings -> Printer. Then, look for Advanced Settings -> Cutter ESC/POS Commands. You can add '0A,0A' before the existing values to add one more extra line.

For example:


With this code, your printer will add one more space on the bottom of the receipt.

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