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E-Wallet fees

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How can I record the fees of my customers who want to cash in for their e-wallets like Gcash, Paymaya, or Paypal? For example, every time they cash in php1,000 there are 15php fees per thousand, or if they want to cash in per hundred there are certain fees.


Hello friend!

On my POS, I added the amounts as items and the fees as prices. For example, the fee is 5 for amounts between 50 and 100; it is 10 for amounts between 101 and 999. I set the price to 10 for every thousand (e.g., 1,000). When dealing with multiple thousands, like 5,000, you can add the 1,000 items five times to multiply the fee. 

You can also add the pricing per e-wallet type as a category, so you can also sort out different fees. 


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