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Set up different sizes with different prices under 1 inventory

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Hi, I have a menu offering two options for purchasing chili paste: you can choose based on weight or packet size. If you choose based on weight, it's $7 per kilogram. Alternatively, if you prefer packet sizes, we have small packets for $9, medium packets for $17, and large packets for $25. How can I set this up from Loyverse?


I think I have the same business type as yours. Before, I used variants to separate the different packaging but it's not ideal especially when all the products are from wholesale or per sack. 
Now, I use composite items to separate the prices and still get the stocks from the wholesale item. So far, this works very well for my items and I’m able to see how many items in different weight I can sell in a sack.


I agree with her. With such business type, it is better to use composite feature.

Let me work through the process 🙂

First, you need to create an entry for the sack/tub item, activate the 'track stock' option, and then input the stock quantity in the designated field. Specify the weight in grams or kilograms for each sack of your item.

You can have the option to make this item on sale in the POS app or not. Another advice, since you will have more than 1 option under this item, it is better to group it by category so you can organize the items. 

After creating this first item, you may now proceed with the smaller items.


As you can see from this GIF, the quantity that I added to the component item is 0.010. This is because my wholesale item has 100kg in stock. Therefore, when adding quantity per component, it's important to know the decimal conversion of your stock. In my case, 1kg is convertible to 0.010 in decimal with 3 decimal points. Additionally, as you can see, your component’s cost is automatically calculated based on the wholesale cost of €100.

For other items, please follow the same process for all your other options. You can include different pricing and quantities per packaging/kg (ensure that quantities are converted to decimal points with 3 decimal places), and after making sales on these items, the stocks will be automatically deducted from your wholesale stock.

If you wish to track retail items as well, you can activate the production option below the composite toggle. This allows you to produce the items for these retail items in advance.


However, this feature is only available in the Advanced Inventory Management paid add-on.


For more information, please check this tutorial:


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