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Hi guys, I was wondering if there is a way to copy a modifier. To put it in perspective, I own a pizza bar and charge for additional topping, but different rates for different sizes. I was wondering if i can create one modifier group with prices, then copy it, rename it and alter the prices for the other sizes?





  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Hanna,

Thanks for the response. I have definitely been using variants as well, but as we have different sizes which require different prices for any add ons, modifiers were the only way to do it. I ended up restyling the modifier group. Thanks though. 

  • 5 months later...

Did you manage to get it sorted? I have a pizzeria in Jamaica with the same challenge. We sell 10 x different variants of pizza (cheese, hawaiian etc), each comes in 3 sizes (10", 14", 16"), all variants/sizes have different prices (i.e. 30 x different prices for 30 pizzas) then the customer can choose to add 'standard' toppings or 'premium' toppings which obviously differ by size. So a premium topping such extra cheese or chicken on a 10" is $2, $4 for a 14", $6 for a 16" and so on. Standard topping like basil or jalapenos is $1, $2, and $3 and so on. How do I treat the import excel template? Do I just add sizes (10/14/16) under 'options' and premium/standard as modifiers? 

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