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How to display Sales Summary and Item Stocks in Dashboard app?

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When I open the Dashboard app from my employee’s account it shows nothing.
I could log in without any problem but it just show me the email and the sign out button. I can see in my owner’s account the sales and the items.
The account that I am trying to set up is for the store manager with the restriction to one store, so I tried if it was the problem so I gave the access to the all stores but it didn’t work either.

I don’t know what I am doing wrong. Please, someone help me.



Hello TNK

It seems that you have given some access of Back Office to the manager’s account but not the proper ones for the Dashboard.

The Loyverse Dashboard application works when the access right of “View sales reports” or “Manage items and inventory” are turned on.
Each option enables the tabs below to see the report and the stocks of the item in the store.

Don’t forget that these access right is mainly used to give access to the Back Office.

In this case, the option “View sales reports” will give to your manager all access to see the reports from the Back Office, and the “Manage items and inventory” will also allow him to edit items, modifiers, discounts, category and all the feature of the Advanced Inventory feature (in case you have).


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Ok, thank you it worked now!
Then, I want to know what access right is needed to manage the KDS?


If you mean what access right is needed to log in to a KDS application, the answer would be the “Manage POS device” option from the Back Office section. In that option is already told that it is to allow users to sign in to POS with their credentials, but it is also for sign in to the KDS application.


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