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Is there a simple way to offer customers Cash back?


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Is there a simple way to offer customers Cash back?

It's a service where a customer will pay £10 or £20 on there credit/debit card, and we will give them £10 or £20 back in cash out of the cash draw?

The way we do it at the moment means, when you end the current shift, there is always a difference between what cash it says should be in the draw, and what actually is in the draw.


Thanks in advance 🙂

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We do have the pay-in or pay-out feature of Loyverse that can be found within the Shift or Shift Management feature in our POS App. You can use that to be able to Cash Back certain amount and note it as "Cash Back" or in general be able to note it with anything. image.png.d498152288f9222f2488f3bfdbf466c7.png


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