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Changing Pricing for Items

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My boutique is based in Madagascar,
The local money is Ariary and prices of items can cost Millions (7 numbers).
It appears that we can't register more than 6 numbers for a item price.

Does someone has a solution?

Sorry for my poor english.



Hi! The format of currency depends on country of registration. Now your country of registration is not Madagascar. You can write a request by e-mail to help@loyverse.com to change the country of registration to Madagascar. When this is done, you will be able to add a maximum price of 99,999,999. 

Please note that when the country of registration is changed, you need to check whether all receipts are synchronized and sign out / sign in from POS. Then the changes will be available for your account.


  • Like 1

Hi @Mag,

Thank you for your response. I have send an email to help@loyverse.com



Support has resolved my problem.
Thank you very much Loyverse.
Regards from Madagascar

  • 3 months later...

Hello Loyverse Community,

I’m from Venezuela and it’s normal here to have numerical value of products of more than a million due to our currency. The highest loyverse lets me enter is 999,999. Could you please help me to solve this issue?

Best Regards,




It is possible to add bigger values, but that will depend on the country of your registration, to enable bigger value it will require that the decimal points will be removed from your account.

If  you do not need the decimal points, then our team can help with this process if you send to help@loyverse.com from you email by which you have registered in Loyverse 


  • 1 month later...


Hello, I . now after a week i noticed it. how can I correct it backward. Thanks for your help


Hallo. Ich habe die falschen Angaben zu den Kosten eingegeben und erst nach einer Woche bemerkt. Wie kann ich es rückwärts korrigieren? Vielen Dank


You can change the cost at anytime from the item's card as shown below


Or perhaps you have an "average cost" instead

Because the system automatically calculates the average cost, to change it, you need to switch off the 'track stock' option in item and change the cost. 
Don't forget to switch on Track stock option again and save the changes after it. 




thank you, i want to know how i change it in statistics.


It is not possible to modify a sale which is already made, and making changes to the items (including the Cost) will not affect past sales and will only be reflected on future sales 


okay , thank you

  • 3 months later...

My item price is 1,120,000.

But, Item price is cannot put more them 999,999.

How can I do it? Hep me please a fri.



Loyverse team can help with that, you need to send an email to help@loyverse.com  from your account's email requesting to have bigger numbers for the prices

  • 1 year later...


If I change the price of an item, will I loose or previous pricing from a reporting perspecitive? eg I sell coke for $2 and then I increase the price to $3 - will my reporting on coke sales show all coke sold at the new price of $3 or will it show historical sales at $2 and new sales at $3? I need to increase my prices across all my menu items, but don't want my sales reporting impacted.



The pat history sales made with the previous price will not be affected only the new ones after the price has been changed.

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