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How can coffee shops and restaurants survive during this time of pandemic?

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Here are some suggestions to keep your coffee shop or restaurant business alive and well as the world battle through and adapt with the many changes of the covid-19 pandemic:

Reformat yourself to a grocery store: During the pandemic, groceries thrive while coffee shops close. Rearrange your shelves and expand your products to more long-lasting ones that can be picked up as part of the daily necessities of your customers.

Start delivery services: This a great service to provide since most people nowadays would only step out of the house for essential purposes. So having your goods delivered to their doorstep is a huge thumbs up.

Go online: This is a new channel to sell your products. Why not invest time in developing your website or consider putting your shop up on an online marketplace?

Offline advertising: Ask your loyal customers to share about your shop to their friends and neighbors, you’ll be surprised how powerful referrals work as marketing tools for your business.

Social responsibility: Offer free services for medical workers, police, rescuers, etc. Doing so, you will expend the excellent image of your business and attract more people to you.


More details in my article:


Loyverse Point of Sale





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