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Hold the pickle!

Go to solution Solved by Amirah,

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Hello, I'm a newbie, liking what I see in setting up... I can't figure out some of the terminology. For example, "modifier" is this where I can set up whether the client would like pickle, or mayo, or lettuce etc.?

To me I would call them "options",

So for example, if it was a plain burger and the customer didn't want something in the build, how do I configure that at the point of sale? or, if there is a no charge choice of ketchup or some other sauce, where do I set it up please?

Excuse me if this is a dumb question, but I think it's just about the words used in the programme. Is there a glossary maybe?

  • Solution

Hello, the modifier is a set of options that can be applied to the items. They help to sell the same item with different options, such as fillings or toppings. With proper application, modifiers will simplify and accelerate the sales process, as well as provide information about which options are most often selected by clients.

So yes, modifiers will work for your different sauces. If you do not charge for them, you can make the modifiers prices as 0 

The below link explains how to use and set up modifiers 

How to Set Up and Apply the Modifiers

  • Thanks 1

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