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Increase Digits numbers for Price and Cost products

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Hi Loyverse team,

Please, how can Iincrease the number of digits for price and cost of Products? Some prices of our products are higher than a million: for instance 1,055,130.00.  We live in a country with hyperinflation  

Is there anyway to increase a nine digits number the price and cost field for products?

Looking forward to hearin from you,



Hi! In Loyverse you can have maximum 99 999 999 price. It means we can make bigger number of price, but without coins. If it suits you, please send request to help@loyverse.com and Loyverse Team will help you.


Dear Mag, Fantastic News! Thanks for your kind reply. I will send an email to help@loyverse.com


best regard


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Hola Miguel, pudiste resolver el tema del precio superior al millón? si es asi, puedes ayudarme. yo tambien vivo en un país con hiperinflación


Hi! Сould you send, please,  a request to help@loyverse.com and Loyverse Team will help you.


Hola Hamburgueseria! Si, Loyverse solucionó mi problema con la cantidad de dígitos en el costo y precio de productos. Estoy gratamente sorprendido con el nivel de soporte que tiene Loyverse. ¡Son unos cracks!

Escribe tu solicitud al correo Help de Loyverse, para solicitar te ayuden a solucionarlo el tema. Basado en mi experiencia, deben contestarte en muy poco tiempo con el tema solucionado! 👍🏼

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