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Sort reports by field

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It would be good if you were able to sort reports by different fields. For example, in the sales by item report if you could click on the headings such as 'items sold' or 'net sales' to sort by that field.

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6 minutes ago, Georg said:


Do you mean these options?
(please check a screenshot)


Hi Georg, 

I don't want to display more fields. What I want to do is sort the report by different columns. If you could click on the column header and it sorted the report by that column, for example if you clicked on the word 'items sold' at the top of that column it would sort the report in order of items sold from largest to smallest number or vice versa. 



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Solution

Hello Alasdair,

It is not possible to sort reports in your Back-office but you can export your reports in CSV file and you can sort the report there by different columns!



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