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Order sequence for multiple drinks as one ticket or one for each drink

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I use the app for a small restaurant with one single cash point. People have to collect their food by themselves. Therefore they need a ticket.

Someone likes to have a beer. I select beer once, he pays and the ticked „1xBeer“ is printed out. That’s perfect.

But if someone orders like: 2xBeer, 1xCoke and another Beer. Then the ticket shows 2xBeer and another 1xBeer.

Is it possible to have either 3xBeer whatever sequence the people order their drinks or to have one ticket for every drink/beer? Instead of one ticket with „3xBeer“, three tickets with „1xBeer“ each.


Hi! When you will print the receipt, then the same items will be collected in one line. But in ticket they appear in separate lines as they were ordered.

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